Wednesday, September 17, 2008

what do you think?

Who would of thought that those 4 words could mean so much... "What do you think?" I tell you, I love ER for many reasons, but most importantly because for the first time ever I am feeling confident in my skills as a doctor and think I will be ready to take on vet med in 8 months. I have been showered with compliments on ER and all the doctors tell me in private how they try to work with me first since I am such a great and efficient student to work with. I have kind of become the exotics go to girl on ER, so when a exotic animal comes in the doctors consult me first. Last night a guinea pig came in with bumble foot, and Russell let me manage the case COMPLETELY on my own, I wrote up everything, handled everything, and Russell let me since he felt I knew a lot more then him about guinea pigs.

Then today I was working with Dr. Abelson (whom I absolutely adore and think is one of the BEST vets I have ever met, I want to be just like her some day)...she came and found me and asked me to work on a case that she had, a recheck on a dog with ITP. I went out to the owner's and did EVERYTHING, the physical, the blood draw, the blood smear and analysis under the microscope, the history from the owner's. And I kept waiting for Dr. Abelson to check over my shoulder and see how I was doing. When all was done I found her and brought all my results to her. She asked "What do you think?" and I told her, and afterwards she said great, checked my discharges, and sent the dog home with my medical advise and instructions. I suddenly realized that she was not going to check my work (although she did check my blood smear b.c I asked her to and she told me I knew what I was doing and not to worry). I realized that she asked me "What do you think?" not to grill me, put me on the spot, or to test my knowledge. She asked me "What do you think?" because she respected and valued my opinion, and then fulfilled that by treating me like a doctor and letting the patient go home with my medical orders. It was quite an amazing moment for me. And throughout the rest of the night Dr. Ableson continued to ask me to do things for patients I never have done before, and she always trusted my opinion (but should would double check me whenever I asked cause I was nervous).

I couldn't be happier right now, it is so comforting knowing I made the right (and fulfilling) career choice, and that I am not going to be a horrible doctor. Sure, I will make mistakes, we all will, but it will be ok. I think I can do this.

1 comment:

Heather said...

The awesomeness continues!!!!