Saturday, April 9, 2011


I need to play blog catch up!!!
I don't think I ever got a chance to post about the symphony.
Mark and I went to the symphony last month. It was something I wanted to do for a while. They have discount where people under forty can get tickets for $20, so Mark got this for the two of us for Valentine's Day.
Of course, the timing was a little bad...I had told Mark in January that I had weekends off for a month, so he bought tickets for a Friday night, which happened to be the second week of March. When I explained I was working and I might not be able to go because I was also on call, he said I had told him I had weekends off for a month. I had, but I had said that in January, and it was 3 weeks later...not to mention there was a calendar on the fridge with my schedule. But we decided to try to make it happen.
Of course, I had been on call for 12 days by the time that day rolled around, and what do you know, Thursday night is the first night I get a call and get asked to come in. They had just put a dog on the ventilator so one of our jobs as the ECC residents is to sit with the cases and micro manage the minute to minute changes round the clock, so at 2am on Friday morning I woke up, showered, and headed over to Angell. I was there from 3am on with just 4.5 hours of sleep. And it was a hellish day so I ended up being there until 6:30. I got home at 7pm, changed, and we had to rush to the symphony since doors let us in at 730pm. Of course, by this time I was grumpy, tired and HUNGRY but we didn't have time to get dinner. (there was free food there for Mark, but nothing for us outcast vegans).
Mark happened to randomly run in to his best friend's mother from growing up, which was nice, but a little rough too since I did not know he had run in to her when I was waiting for him in the hall to get our seats, and after 10 minutes of searching for him I found him chatting with her and her husband.
The symphony itself was beautiful, and they opened with Haydn, I loved the opening act. I was trying hard not to fall asleep though after being awake since 2am. Then at the intermission Mark moved our seats next to his friend's mom, which was ok, but again I was even more tired then since Mark was catching up with them while I tried not to fall asleep.
The second act with the piano was not as good, I forget the artist, but they closed with Beethoven's 5th, which was nice since so many people recognized it (it was Mark's favorite since he knew it) but by the end of it all at 1030pm I just wanted it to be over so I could go home and try to sleep before getting up at 530am for work the next morning (thank goodness I didn't get called in again. I have to admit, I was terrified for a second that Mark's friends were going to want to grab drinks, but they didn't, hopefully if I ever go again it will be a little better planned for timing and I will be less sleep deprived so I can watch and enjoy the music more.

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