Sunday, December 9, 2012

sorry I have been b-b-busy life

it's been a while since I have posted, sorry!!! Super busy. I am still cooking a decent amount, and running but not as much as I would like. But probably stretching myself a little to thin at work: 1. It is credentials time, which means I have to make up 4 acceptable multiple choice questions to submit to the exam committee, complete a packet, and send in $1500 to take an exam in September, which I pray I will pass but historically the pass rate is about 40%. 2. I am currently working on 3 papers as a primary author, and 2 as a secondary author, so I might have stretched myself to thin there. None of them are requirements, just stuff I wanted to get done since I like research. 3. Oh yeah, that exam I mentioned in number 1, I am studying for it, like mad, and so scared, overwhelmed, etc. There is so much I need to know for it. 4. I have officially started job hunting, which is super stressful. Not to mention, our schedule officially changes on January first since the residency has been shrunk from 9 residents to 6, which means that I work more hours then prior, and have less days off, and on a regular basis am forced to swithc from days to nights to days, or nights to days to nights all right in a row, which is going to be great for my sleep schedule. It also makes it SO tough to schedule traveling and interviews with hospitals I am applying for positions at. The ones I am most looking forward to are one in Philly in January and hopefully visiting 2-3 hospitals in San Fran area in February. 5. It's the holidays, which means friends and family want to visit, which is fine, but stressful when I am trying to manage all of the above. So that is my excuse for being MIA for a little, but I will try to bring the blog up to date today.

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