Monday, November 10, 2008

on the mend

wow, last week almost killed me...seriously...
it all started halloween night. I was driving home from work and got a horrible migraine. I ended up at mark's trying to sleep at 6pm, but I was in such pain, and got a fever. I took a shower, but ended up nearly passing out and just curled up on the floor of the shower until Mark came to help me out. It was pathetic. I didn't want to dissappoint mark, so we went to a halloween party with jeanne-marie, but I only made it about an hour before I started changing colors.

Saturday I still felt like shit, and Mark again had to help me from the floor of my shower this time as I nearly collapsed. I was having hot and cold flashes, fever, and nausea. I slept all afternoon. Once I woke up I felt better, and made the terrible mistake of trying to go to the boston vegetarian food festival with Mark. It was fun, we only made it for the last 30 minutes. But then Mark wanted to walk around Back Bay, so I said I would give it a try. I was in the apple store with him when I started turning green again. I nearly passed out, and Mark and I made it home in time for me to curl up moaning in bed.

Sunday I slept most of the day yet again, only getting some of my errands done. But Sunday night was when the horrible diarrhea started.

Monday started my large animal medicine rotation, which is a bitch. I felt better every morning, but after 4 hours of wrestling horses and running around like a maniac, I would ache all over and want to die. My fever throughout the week kept coming and going, and Monday I developed a horrible cough. The doctors at school let me leave early at 3pm on Monday when I turned green and ran out to vomit during rounds.

This illness continued...every morning I felt better, but by noon I felt horrible, and by 8pm when I got home every night I had a fever over 101 and disgusting, profuse, watery diarrhea.

Finally Saturday I broke down. I just started crying to Iva at school that I couldn't keep going and that I had not consumed more then 600 calories a day once and the diarrhea was uncontrollable and I wanted to die...blah blah blah...I convinced the doctors at school to let me go to the ER.

Good thing I did. My electrolytes were screwed up, I was dehydrated and need IV fluids and electrolyte supplements and anti-diarrheal meds, plus little did I know I had rip roaring pneumonia. I guess my lungs looked like shit all over but in my lower left lung lobe they were starting to condense and almost form an abscess in my lungs. Boy, I am SO glad I went to the hospital. And I got a two days doctors note to stay home from school.

Now, after two days of rest and medications, I finally, for the first time in 10 days, do not ache all over. I am so glad I got the time off, hopefully it doesn't effect my grade, but man, this rotation nearly killed me earlier this week!

1 comment:

Heather said...

omg! I'm glad you're getting better... always remember, you MUST take care of yourself!!!!!