Tuesday, August 23, 2011

silly mental images

Somehow Mark and I were talking about wild dogs, and I mentioned I knew of people who lived in rural Europe who told stories of packs of wild dogs that if they caught you alone on the road they would attack. Mark thought this a little far fetched, and maybe it is, I have never seen it.
But then Mark said "I wonder what a pack of wild dachshunds would look like? Just imagine like 50+ dachshunds in a pack running like the wild animals they are, tearing ass as fast as they could like they were on a mission. And after the pack runs past, the stragglers that had or need back surgery would come through, hobbling in their ataxic way." It juts formed such a strong mental image in my head and I couldn't stop laughing imagining it I thought I would share it.

1 comment:

Jess said...

hahaha... now THAT's a mental image. hilarious!