Wednesday, September 26, 2012

chinese chicken salad and vegan fake chicken egg rolls

Well this one was QUITE an experiment, and the picture does NOT do it justice. I found thin rice paper for eff rolls/spring rolls at shaws this week that were vegan; I wanted to try to make something with them but wanted a side dish to go with it, so I made a vegan fake chicken chinese salad. Then to make the rolls, I wanted there to be meat in them, but wasn't sure what combo; I had mangoes in the house, what I did was choppped the mangoes up in to tiny pieces, made some white rice, and fried up some gardein mandarin flavored fake chicken. For each roll I put some rice, mangoes, and gardein mandarin chicken, then rolled it up like a burrito. Mark was horribly skeptical when he saw them, which I can't blame him, the rolls were translucent and looked gross, but he admitted they were DELICIOUS! We are totally going to make them again, but to make them even more unhealthy will have to fry them in my fryalator I haven;t used yet. For the chinese chicken salad: Fry a package of TJs fake chicken strips in a small amount of peanut oil. In a large serving bowl mix 1 package romaine lettuce, 1 package shredded purple cabbage, 1 package shredded carrots, 1/4 cup cilantro, 1 package shaved almonds, and 2 TBsp sesame seeds. In a small bowl whick together 3 TBsp vinegar, 3 TBsp sugar, 1 TBsp rice wine, 1 TBsp soy sauce, 1 tsp garlic, 1 tsp ginger, and 2 TBsp peanut oil. In the large bowl mix together the salad with the dressing and the chicken strips. The salad was ok, but not great, and the rolls were SO good they made the salad seem crummy, but it was ok.

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