Sunday, November 3, 2013

veggie tahini pizza

I used some tahini in a recipe earlier in the week and wanted to use up the container, so found this unique recipe and modified it. I had some made up pizza dough rolled out. First I made a pesto for it: I combined 1 package spinach with 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 TBsp lemon juice, 2 TBsp water, 2 TBsp garlic, and 1/3 cup almonds in a food processor, making the pesto base. This was smeared over the top of the pizza. Then I sprinkled black olives, sliced green tomatoes, and left over spinach over the top of the pizza. Lastly I mixed up 4 TBsp tahini, 1/3 cup water, and 3 TBsp yeast for the cheesy sauce. This was poured over the top and the whole thing was baked at 425 for 15 minutes. super healthy and flavorful pizza!

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