Monday, June 23, 2008

NYC weekend trip : )

Part of me is always torn when I write these blogs, I know I don't write anything bad about people so I don't care who reads them...but sometimes I have such great experiences with Mark I want to write about them, but I don't want to share "too much". Plus I never know how much he reads it anyways, but oh well....I have had an amazing two weeks, so I am going to share. : )

Radiology is fucking amazing. It is called radiation vacation because the hours are great, and it is true. Not only are the hours great, but the entire department is staffed by incredible techs and doctors, and they really love to teach! At least 4 hours of every day are set aside specifically for learning...the profs or techs teach us protocols or procedures, or review ultrasounds, MRIs, CTs, and x-rays with us to help us learn, by putting us in the hot seat, which isn't that bad. Basically they will put up a set of x-rays, give you a brief history (like 8 year old spayed female golden retriever with 2 week history of intermittent vomitting and increased drinking) and then you are supposed to find anything wrong with the animal on the x-rays. They are not mean at all if you miss things, but I have actually found I have a lot more knowledge then I realized. 90% of the tim I find all the problems on the radiographs!

Then the sweet part of the deal is your day on radiology starts at 8am, and is done by 5:30 pm at the latest, sometimes earlier, plus you get an hour or more lunch break EVERY day. You work 2-3 weekend days from 10-5 out of 6 possible days (of course I got stuck with 3, while 3 of my classmates only have to work 2). But still, this is amazing.

So that meant last weekend was my first entire weekend off in god knows how long. So Mark and I made plans to go on a weekend trip to NYC. We were going to try to go to the MOMA in the morning, followed by a yankees game in the afternoon, then dinner, then head home on Saturday. Despite feeling like my weekend of fun and relaxation was going to crumble multiple times, it worked out incredibly well, I had a blast, and Mark was such an amazing boyfriend, I felt so lucky.

Things got a little fishy when my friend Christina, whom I had promised to go strawberry picking with in June when she picked a date, said she was going on Sunday at 11am. Mark and I still hadn't decided whether or not we wanted to stay overnight saturday or not, but rather then miss out on what I promised to go to, we decided to just go to NYC for saturday. Then a couple days before Mark was invited to one of his good friend's bday parties in boston on Saturday night, which we both wanted to go to, but I quite frankly didn't want to cut any of my NYC trip short to go back to boston, only to have to get up super early sunday to take the train back home at 7am so I could make it to strawberry picking in time. We decided to try to make it to the party, but would play it by ear.

We left for NYC at 6:45am hoping to get there by 10:30. We were there on time, but parking was tough to find. We finally found affordable parking ($12 for the day) but by then it was 11:30, and the yankees game started at 1pm, and we didn;t have tickets yet since mark wanted to try to scalp them, so with a heavy sigh from me we abandoned the moma and headed to yankee stadium. Mark asked a woman on the street for a nice place to eat, and she recommended a hip brunch place, where we went, but there was nothing for me to eat, and no where else around was open, so I suffered through without food. The good thing was Mark could see I was bummed, and I finally got over being a stupid girl and told him I didn't want to rush back home to boston to hang out with his friends who we could see any other weekend, which I felt terribly guilty admitting, but am so glad I did (btw, I REALLY like these friends, but it just seemed to be cutting in to my weekend). He wasn't mad at all and said we would still play it by ear.

So we get to yankee stadium, the weather is gorgeous, the crowd is thick, and naturally they had sold out. So there was no scalping to be found. Mark thought it would be easy since it was for him in seattle, but there was nothing under $75 a ticket, so after an hour outside the stadium we gave up...disappointment #2. : (
On a good note, Mark said we had time to see the moma, so we went. Of course, Mark was SO tired by the time we got there and just wanted to leave, but he was such a good sport and made me laugh a lot making fun of certain art and me, but it was seriously hilarious and cute. We went to central park at 4pm where he just wanted to lay down in the shade and relax, so we napped for an hour. At 5pm we decided to get moving. Mark wanted to go home to Boston for the party still, which was fine, but I did want dinner. I told him I thought we could either leave then and go back to boston, or go for dinner since i had not eaten since 7am that morning. He wanted dinner too, and I knew of a vegan pizza place 20 blocks away from our car, but I warned him it would add a lot of walking to our schedule. He didn't see a problem with that, so we went. Another disappointment was my pizza, despite looking great, tasting crappy...however the restaurant had banana-chocolate cheesecake, so I got a piece. I gave Mark and bite and we both thought it was heavenly so we jokingly fought over it on the long walk back to the car. I drove most of the way home, and even as Mark talked on the phone to his mom and brother he thought we would go to Boston for the party, but finally at 10pm when we were still almost 2 hours form home he realized it was not a good idea to go in to Boston, get there at 12:30 and go to the party for 30 minutes. So we went to my place and crashed instead.

It really was too short of a trip with many little disappointments and flaws, but we both had an amazing time. Funny. We promised each other to plan it better next time (i am trying to get online tickets to the red sox vs. yankees game in a couple weeks online now), but it wAs so relaxing and fun...and I couldn't help think the same thing as I overheard Mark tell his mom and brother on the phone how he had such a great time in NYC.

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