Tuesday, October 20, 2009


sorry it has been so long! I am still going strong with my internship, I love it, but am tired and working long hours.

A brief update of things in my life other then the internship:
Mark and I took a 2 day trip to Washington DC a couple months ago (late August) and it was great. Got delicious mexican food at George W. Bush's favorite restuarant. Met up with an old friend, katie hancock, in virginia.

Mark and I also went to the informal lectures of the Ig Nobel Awards in Boston this year. It was HILARIOUS. We heard brief synopsis on the winners' papers, including how to turn tequila in to diamonds, how to stop intractable hiccups (by digital rectal massage), why naming cows actually increases their milk production and the farmer's profits, how women's spines shift when pregnant to accomodate carrying fetal load, and how panda poop has bacteria in it that are extremely efficient at composting your garbage from the kitchen! There was this cute young girl from the audience that thye used to stop the speakers from going over their allotted time as well, and she was adorable! She would run up to the speaker at the podium when the timer went off and yell "Please stop I'm bored" and get louder and louder until they stopped.

That's the most fun things I have done yet this year.

And I have halloween weekend off so I will be going to NYC then to see Christina and the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, yay!

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