Monday, September 27, 2010

A visit to Smallbany

So I had a three day weekend this past weekend, and it was my first weekend off in 7 weeks so it was much needed...Mark and I haven't had the same days off in awhile.
We went to Albany on Friday to finally meet Heather and her now two week old newborn Crosby. I was super excited and LOVE hearing all the stories from Heather about how things are going...I could seriously sit and listen to her talk for hours at a time, she is such an amazing person. Despite not being the most keen about meeting children let alone babies, I was at first very worried when we arrived ad she said Crosby had just fallen asleep, so I was not sure if we would get to meet him, but luckily 2 hours later she woke him up for feeding and we got to meet the little man. He is adorable, and I don't normally think that about babies, but it also might be feeling so happy for one of my best friends and how she and the relationship she has with her baby is already so incredible. Even though I love the little guy already, I am still a little awkward around babies, I know that, but Mark was totally taken (not surprised). He probably was a little hurt that he didn't get to hold him and I did, but there will be many visits in the future.

We then stopped by the high school to say hi to my mom who was stuck coaching a volleyball game and therefore couldn't go out to dinner with us. It was nice to see the school again, and as always I was jealous of all the volleyball players, I want to play too! The funny part was when I came in the building and one of the players (whom I had never met) at the vending area shouted out "Hey Lindsey, your mom said to say hi to you!" I was surprised and asked how she recognized me, and she said my mom had described me. We later asked my mom and her explanation was "I told them you were in your mid 20's with blonde hair of an unknown length but that I would be with a grown up version of Harry Potter"....nice, and so true. My mom was enthusiastic as ever for our 10 minute visit.

Then we went to dinner at my uncle's house, picked up Fern along the way. Had a pleasant dinner with the family, and got up to date on all the gossip about my youngest cousin Carlin who just started school at SUNY Albany this semester.

It was a short trip, but a fun one, hopefully next time I make it up we can spend more time with Crosby and maybe see Erik and Jenn too!

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