Monday, September 27, 2010

why won't my ears pop?!

I have been having this annoying habit of my ears getting clogged when I run lately, and nothing can make them pop afterwards! They only clog after a long run (greater then 8 miles) and they don't pop, but will resolve in about 3-8 hours, which is SO annoying.
I have read online a couple possible theories including ear wax dislodgement (I feel like this can't be the case with me since I am OCD about cleaning my ears and do it every morning), vasodilation over time in the vessels in my inner ear as I run for longer periods and heat up, and dehydration. Not sure what to do about it, but wondering if I should see a doctor...I don't really want to see a doctor but it also said online that if it lasted longer then an hour without resolving that you should have it checked out.

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