Tuesday, February 15, 2011

artificial intelligence...

Mark wanted to watch Watson on Jeopardy tonight, so I joined him, and Watson the computer kicked the contestants assess!!It freaked me out a little, I told Mark it seemed like some flashback from a sci fi movie in the future- some made up movie I would watch, where A.I. takes over and the flashback is to Watson winning Jeopardy, and being one of the first computers that could control us and exceed quicker then us. Mark said I was silly for those conspiracy theories ( am not really scared of it, but it was a neat idea).

Well, at the end the final jeopardy question was a US city question, it asked which US city had its first airport named after a world war 2 hero, and its second airport after a worl war 2 battle. I guessed NYC. The two human contestants knew the answer was Chicago, but Watson had no idea so he guessed Toronto and only wagered a small amount so he was still in the lead by over $25,000. Interestingly Mark was very bothered by Watson leading, and at the end when I commented that Toronto was not even a US City Mark exclaimed "Ughh, Watson totally did that on purpose so his lead wasn't too far and people aren't too mad at him!". I doubt that, but what if Mark is right? To me that would be even scarier...it would really imply that Watson had A.I., and that he understood human emotions. It's kind of a scary thought that a computer could understand that and make a choice based on what type of impression he might make...I think Mark is wrong, but it is an interesting thought.

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