Friday, May 20, 2011

A busy weekend...

Last weekend was a busy one, and lots of fun too!
Friday night I actually got to go out dancing with Mark and company...I was pretty tired though, I am an old lady afterall and meeting at a bar at 10:30 is super late for me.
Saturday night was Mark's dad's 65th suprise bday. It was fun, I got to help set up with Jacqui and Matt. And I finally after 3 years met Mark's extended family. Of course everyone was wondering who I was and almost couldn't believe I existed.
I made an apple coffee cake as well as a pesto potatoe salad for the party which were both big hits :).

The recipe is super simple.
Then Sunday was just as big of a day. We got up at 8am and headed to Albany...stopped by my mom's house and picked up Mark's commissioned paintings of the Philly City Hall building which he loved. Then went to Heather and Denis' house for Heather's bday party, which ended up being more of a kid party, but it was fun. It was neat meeting some of your students (adults learning english better), they were very interesting people.
Then we went to my grandma's house for dinner. It was nice, but my brother and my cousing couldn't make it which sucked. We did make a pit stop at my brother's liquor store where he was working and bought 3 cases of wine for $210...A long and tiring but fun day overall.

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