Tuesday, February 3, 2009


seriously, I feel like EVERY day I come home to the dogs doing something bad. Today one of them decided to climb on the counter and eat my last muffin and the aluminum foil, while leaving tiny bits of foil throughout the house. Ryan used to claim that his dogs never ate things off the counter, but even he had to agree that that was a myth today.
Then I went to put my dvd to the Scrubs first season away today, and found that it was under another sheet of paper. When I pulled the case out I saw it had been chewed to pieces, half the cover and back were missing. Amazingly, the dvds were ok, but I freaked a little on Ryan. Not just cause his dogs ate it, but because he hid it on purpose under the paper from me (he admitted to that too, he thought I would of found it earlier since he told me the dogs did this two days ago, and said he would buy me a new copy if I wanted, but I told him I was more pissed he hid it from me then that his dogs ate it).

I would hate to be responsible for telling him that the dogs need to stay in his bedroom all day when unsupervised, but I am starting to think that is the only option I can live with. I hate the idea of two big dogs spending at least 12 hours a day in his tiny bedroom, but honestly, if his dogs eat one more thing of mine in the next week, I might ask him that. This is getting unbearable. EVERY day it is something else...the trash all over the apartment half eaten, the food up high on the counter, my dvd cases! Ughh.

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