Thursday, February 19, 2009

v-day and playing with dead animals

Thank freaking god my pathology rotation is almost over. It has been rough, but fun at time too. Tomorrow is my last day, but I might be in on Sunday since I am on call that day from 8-5.

Valentine's day was amazing. On Friday the 13th I took Mark to the Boston Wine School as a surprise gift for V-day and our anniversary. It was for a 3 hour course called "in love with wine and chocolate". It pared 5 types of wine with 5 different chocolates (4 of which were vegan, and one that I think might be a new favorite, this tazo brand that has a cinnamon flavor). They also served cocktails and bread with bruschetta in the beginning, and then dinner after the tasting. It was so much fun to learn how to properly taste wine, I LOVE swooshing and spitting now. And smelling, and swirling! It was such an experience. We also met some interesting couples. An older couple across from us was very friendly, and I made the mistake o telling them I was a soon to be vet, since the older man LOVED vets and started going off on the usual tangents of animal stories. Sadly, another middle-aged couple was interesting but the husband worked for a company that did nothing but test on animals, and even though I tried to spin things in conversation to make it sound like he was not someone I secretly hated, he almost bragged about all the animal testing and killing that happened at his practice. I bit my tongue and didn't start an argument, but I was presently surprised after when Mark told me he was disappointed that I hadn't spoken up more and told him he was wrong, so next time I will not be so quick to hold back for appearance sake.

I have realized that even though I LOVE having almost every weekend off and working regular hours, I am WAY too bored. I have been reading an average of one novel a week. I am drawing in my sketch book on the weekends. I am going to the gym for an hour every day. Yet I still have too much free time. I don't know what to do with myself on these weekends. I started baking various vegan desserts on the weekends too, and lots of chores, I need a new hobby! My mom encouraged me to start writing a novel again. We'll see.

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