Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quite a productive two days!!!

I actually had the last two days off to myself, which is a first in awhile since on the last 3 weeks ALL of my two days of have been filled with visiting people for the holidays, hosting people, going to foxwoods on one day since Mark spent the day entire day before in Albany, and stupid once a year errands like christmas shopping.

Well, these last two days off have been glorious!
Let's see, yesterday I went running, did dishes, did laundry, went grocery shopping, bought and put together a new DVD rack since I ran out of room after christmas gifts on the old ones, took out the trash, brushed lily, cleaned the apartment (vacuumed and swept), changed and cleaned the kitty litter box completely, went running a second time, and cooked dinner for Mark and me which we ate over a movie.

Today I went running this morning (wanted to go again tonight but my legs are kind of sore so I am going to hold off), did dishes, baked cupcakes and did dishes again, read 6 journal articles, 3 chapters in dibart, and 2 chapters in guyton...TALK ABOUT PRODUCTIVE! Now I am going to crack a bottle of wine, watch a movie, and enjoy a cupcake I made as dessert!

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