Tuesday, April 8, 2008

starting where I left off on myspace...

I used to keep a blog pretty regularly on myspace (www.myspace.com?wildlife_lindsey) but sadly I have not posted since I was leaving Wales on 2/25/08. I decided to switch to this as my primary blog site now since I rarely go on myspace these days (facebook has won me over instead) and this site will be available for all my family and friends to read, not just those with myspace pages.

So where did I leave off with myspace? I was posting as I was leaving Wales.

Wales was great. When I got back I was actually picked up from the airport by Mark, which was so nice since I am used to taking the train home on my trips when I am alone. I took an elective in client griefing and communication that week, and it went well, it was only 4 hours long, and I already get most of it, but it was nice to have tips on the right thing to say in those tough euthanasia times.

My spring break was the week of March 10, and naturally I filled it up with more school...I did a week on exotics, but it was a BLAST! Working with Joerg and Candy, the two clinicians, was SO MUCH FUN! The hours were ok, normally 7am until 7pm. Sadly, on the Thursday I was on exotics my two rats were scheduled to be spayed, and things got hairy. Padme, my rat, got a mammary tumor the week before (which rats get when they are not spayed), so we planned on surgically removing the mass at the same time as the spay. Everything went well until the last 10 minutes as they closed her incision, and she stopped breathing. The doctors and techs were so composed and starting CPR as well as pumping her with intracardiac injections of epi and atropine, but I knew it was a lost cause. She died. Amelie did great in her spay, and I let Amelie see the body to say goodbye. Amelie actually curled up under Padme's chin and started to sleep/snuggle with her, and I came really close to crying. Poor Padme, she was such an amazing ambassador for rats and I miss her so much.

Of course, that day was rough for me. We ended up staying super late for an emergency CT scan on a rabbit that slipped a disc, and when I did a bad shave job on the leg for a catheter Joerg started to bust on me, and I yelled at him to shut up in a funny way...normally that does not fly with the clinicians, they would fail students for talking back to them, but Joerg and I are pretty close now, we joke all the time, and he just laughed at me, joking that if I did that on small animal surgery I would probably go missing the next day and be found decapitated in the woods later on.

Then on Saturday I threw another guitar hero party, and it was a huge success...so many people came, and it was so much fun...we went thru way too much booze. I hope I have time to throw another party in August.

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