Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Big Buttinsky

I spent the last week at Mass Vet Referral Hospital in Woburn on ER and Cardio, and I absolutely LOVED it. If I end up back in Massachusetts I am DEFINITELY applying for a job there. I did pretty well too, but not great, they really liked me, but I think I am starting to beat myself up if I get a question wrong since I know in 2 months I will be the doctor.

Ryan has been in Cali all week, so I have been watching the dogs. It hasn't been too bad...the only down side was literally an hour after he left for the airport my internet gave still isnt back either...Mark looked at it last night and thinks it is a problem with my computer, but we can't figure out what, and I feel like it was more then a coincidence that it gave out an hour after Ryan left (after taking his computer with him, and the airport networks in our house are through his equipment).

I have found a new pet peeve of mine...when people ask me for directions while I am running. It is one thing if I am walking, but to pull uyour car over while I am working hard and expect me to stop and give you all the attention in the world is obnoxious! This lady almost ran me over the other day to stop me on my run, I stopped, she asked where the train was...I explained how she needed to go to the end of the street, take a left, then to the end of that street, and take a right, then about a mile down the road would be the train. Instead of thanking me she started questioning me! She pointed to the right and said "No, the train is that way isn't it?" I explained that there were no trains that way for almost 3 miles, and they were in the city. Then she continued to argue when I repeated my directions. Finally she said rudely "I want the Everett train, it's that way, right?" pointing right. "No, Somerville is that way, the Everett train is the way I showed you." She finally understood and let me go back to my run...what an ungrateful lady!

The last thing I learned this week that I loved is the phrase "The Big Buttinsky". I need to remember that and use it sometime. One of the vets thought the tech and owners were taking too long in the room, so she said "Ok, I need to go split them up and do the Big Buttinsky here." and then she left to go barge in to the room. I like that phrase.

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