Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ratatat never ceases to amaze me

I saw ratatat at the house of blues in boston last night, it was my 3rd time seeing them and I still adore them so much!

I am on vacation this week, which has been much needed. I have gotten Tons of errands and chores done already, and had lots of doctors appts. Yesterday I had a follow- OBGYN appt. and I am so bummed I met my favorite gynecologist EVER. I got reassigned since my doctor was busy, and I loved this new doctor, she was great and we hit it off right away. Luckily, she spent her first two years in practice in Bridgeport, CT so she is going to recommend some of her friends who are OBGYN docs there for me when I go to Darien.

Yesterday was Marathon Monday and I was so bummed to not be running it, hopefully next year! And then in the evening Mark and I went to the ratatat concert. The first time Mark heard them he was not a big fan, and then he was a super sweet boyfriend who agreed to go to a concert with them last year, and I officially got him hooked. He loves ratatat now, and was just as psyched as me for the concert. His friend Josh and his girlfriend and a friend came with us. Mark and I were the only real die-hard ratatat fans, but the otehrs got in to it once we moved upstairs and had ample room to dance. Ratatat is SUCH good dancing music. Mark and I were soaked in sweat when we left, but it was a great time (except for taking the T home and running in the pouring rain back to his apartment at 12:30).

Today I had a podiatry appt. When I went to the PT in the fall and was diagnosed with IT band, they told me I needed to get my arches replaced (which were made by a podiatrist about 5 years ago and cost $400). Plus in the last 2 weeks I have been having more foot pain (but my IT Band is under control thanks to my obsession with pain and the foam roller, haha). Well, good news is I don't need new arches. Bad news is my feet hurt but there is nothing wrong with my feet. The doctor said my tendons in the calves and hamstrings were SUPER tight from running, and that it was extending in to the tendons in my feet. So I need to stretch even more in addition to my IT Band stretches...damn. But the good news is my arches are fine. He looked them over and had me walk in them, and he said they will be good for at least 10 years total, maybe even 15. He said the PT was referring to arches that they give patients, which are flimsy and not well made, but a podiatrist arches should last 10-20 years depending on your activity level. Yay!

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