Thursday, August 21, 2008

freaking being a good student is not worth it sometimes...

I just wrote about my horrible ER shifts...I was chatting with some people who work in the ER this week, and even though it is supposed to be random, I did find out that the residents and doctors ask the scheduler to try to put the most responsible students on the 3pm-2am shifts since they end up doing the most on their own. I guess after 10pm there are normally only 1-2 other doctors there, and then the one student on from 3-2, so they like the student who gets the most of those shifts to be one that can handle acting as a doctor on his/her own the best since they might have to if it gets busy and the doctors need to work on other patients. I know I should be flattered, but I am so fucking burnt out that I don't care. I am starting to think it is not worth it to be a great student that people thinks will be a great vet if it means I get next to no sleep and time off. God I hope I have a good 3 weeks on ER.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Okay, just breathe!
You are overwhelmed, but you're also competent. Remember that. And once you get through ALL OF THIS then you can choose your path-
Zoo, Wildlife Refuge, little clinic in the woods... lol...
Focus on the short term goals and try not to think about what you COULD be doing, focus on what you ARE doing.

We love you!!