Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This just makes me laugh a bit...this week is my vacation week. Here is how it goes:
Granted, Monday started like a vacation should, being that I slept in late with Mark, then we went to lunch and then he left for work at 1pm and my day started. I began downloading all the internship applications, wrote my letter of intent, wrote more emails to professors, wrote a letter with Ryan to our landlords, and worked on that application process most of the day.

Yesterday I got up at 6am. I walked to the T at 7:30, caught the train to grafton at 8:30, and got to school at 10am. I had an appointment with Dr. Rush to talk about cardiology residencies at 10:30. Then I met with Dr. Jakowski to go over the biopsy viewer software on campus, and then proceeded to look up and compile a list of every ferret biopsy that has come back positive for lymphoma since 1994 (I scanned about 480 records to make this list of 90 animals). I then went to the wildlife clinic and helped out with medical procedures until 2pm for fun and then caught the train back home, getting home at 5pm, having to meet with our landlords after that (only to have them reschedule for today), and read my book for 3 hours before bed.

Today Ryan woke up at 6am, and being a light morning sleeper I woke up then too. I went to the Tufts Medford gym, did an hour on the elliptical. Came back home, cleaned the entire apartment and did the dishes. I took out the trash and recycling. I baked Pumpkin bread for dinner with Mark tonight. I went shopping at target and got some stuff for the apartment and I stopped off at shaws and deposited our 30+ bottles from our party that were still in the kitchen. I stopped at the post office to buy stamps and mail some thank you letters. Heather called and we worked A LOT on revising my letter of intent. I continued emailing profs stuff they needed for my letters of recommendations, and revised my letter further after Dr. Cotter reviewed it. I completed my application sheets for all 7 internship positions I am applying for. I wrote stamped envelopes for all 7 places, 3 copies each, one for each of the people who are writing me recommendations. I printed and reviewed 4 pages on spaying cats and dogs for my upcoming spay elective. I spent 2 hours on doing practice board exam questions. In 20 minutes I leave to meet christina for a drink, then coming back at 6pm to meet the landlords and start cooking dinner, and then at 8pm I am going to mark's with dinner all made for us (apple, sweet potatoe and butternut squash soup with pumpkin bread).

So what makes me laugh through all of this? Ryan came home from work at 1:30pm, took a 2 hour nap on the futon. He then got up to go back to work for a 30 minute fitting, which he should be home from by 5pm. He walked by my bedroom before leaving again while I was on, and says "See you, I hope you keep enjoying your lazy day off!"

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