Thursday, October 9, 2008

neuro at angell

I expected my last week at angell,on neurology, to be my least favorite since I didn't like the speciality that much at Tufts. Luckily, so far, it has been my favorite. It has just been me and the resident since the two neurologists are on vacation, and no other interns or externs are on with us. So I have been doing and seeing A LOT. And right off the bat the doctor started jokingly referring to me as his padwan learner. I have done overall well, not known all the answers, but made some suggestions that the doctor hadn't thought of that helped. After 3 weeks at angell I finally feel like I am starting to understabd how things work and how to stay afloat, and of course now my time is up and I need to move on. I will be glad to be back at Tufts, but I wish I could of spent more time at Angell getting to know how things work. Maybe that time will come next year if I end up there on an internship.

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