Friday, January 23, 2009


I am starting to think I might actually want my own kids before my own dogs. Wow. Who would of ever though that from me. But living with two big dogs has re-exposed me to the hassles and responsibilities of having them. At least once a week they do something I find annoying, like get in to the trash or chew up something they shouldn't or track mud throughout the house. And it doesn't help that their owner (my roommate) doesn't clean after them much, and openly admits he hates cleaning and won't do it most of the time. The dogs are good dogs, but I do think they are a little neglected. And after spending my long ass day around animals, I hate coming home to be greeted by two poor lonely dogs sniffing and following me everywhere. I think I almost burst a blood vessel today when I got home and someone left the bathroom door open (Not me, Ryan warned me when we moved in the dogs will go in to the trash if the door is left open so I never leave it open, yet once a week they get in there when he leaves it open). This time they had dragged ALL of the trash contents out in to the hall, AND Ryan's friend who is staying at our place for the next four days, well she moved herself in to the bathroom, and the dogs destroyed half of her make up, which amounted to about 15-20 pieces of blush or cover-up or mascara or lip balm etc. Of course, Ryan and said girl were MIA. Not what I like to come home to at 9pm after being at work for 14 hours.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yeah, you need to move.