Thursday, January 22, 2009


Speaking of House, I normally watch one episode every other day, Ryan always hears me and comes to join me since he hates to actually work and would love an excuse to procrastinate, and then Ryan always wants to watch multiple episodes once he watches one....but I am so tired and need to get up so early I call it quits by 10pm most nights despite his protesting and begging I watch more. Well, last night I was watching the season finale to season 4, which was two episodes in a row. I could only watch one episode, and Ryan wanted to watch both, I just asked him not to tell me what happened. He still had to leave me a note in front of my door at 1am that "It was all it could of been, answered all your questions, you will love the episode. : )" Ok, thanks, but I can watch it on my own and decide then.

Then tonight I got home and decided to watch it at dinner. Ryan's friend from Cali arrived earlier today, she is staying here until Sunday, so the house is even more crowded the normal (and I have been warned that I should stay with Mark this weekend if I don't want to hear things sounding like a porn coming form my roommate's bedroom, nice). Ryan still made it out to watch the second half of the last episode while I watched even though he saw it last night, and couldn't help himself, everytime someone made a different diagnosis suggestion for Amber, or asked a question, he had to answer yes or no before they did on the show, and he had to dance to music, and ask me in the middle of a good scene "aren't they great actors? This is such a tear jerker" so that I missed half of the scene. He even came out and started shouting differential diagnoses at one point and asked me medical advice while I was watching as they started a different treatment for Amber. Nice...again, I hate to be a bitch, but I think I might have to ban Ryan from my dvds until I watch them on my own. He can watch them after me, since I don't need simultaneous commentary and I like to watch things on my own in peace and quiet. Damn, I am such a bitch.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You're not a bitch, you're an adult. And you're living with someone who resembles a horny, unrepentant boy with a 15-year-old's mentality.