Monday, May 18, 2009

damn it feels to be a doctor

actually, it doesn't feel any different, it just feels great being done with school.

This weekend was a whirlwind, but quite a fun one. I got so many errands done last week on my week off. Then this weekend of graduation celebrations started off Friday evening, I had to pick Mark up from work, from there we drove to Grafton for the awards dinner. It was very large, and a lot of profs came, so it was nice chatting with them. Dinner sucked, but it often does at these big country clubs and hotels where they host a lot of our vet school formal events. I received the wildlife award, which came with the newest zoo and wildlife medicine text book, and meant a lot since the people at wildlife have been such a huge part of my life in the last 4 years.

As soon as the awards were over Mark and I booked it back to Boston, since it was his roommate and best friend's bday weekend and he was having a get together at the Bell and Hand, one of the most popular bars in sadly when we arrived at 11pm we had to stand in line for half an hour. But it was worth it, and despite being DD I had a great time dancing the night away with Mark and meeting new people as well as becoming more aquainted with Mark's Raytheon co-workers. We left at 2ish, and as we walked down the stairs the lights when on and the bar started closing, so it was good timing.

Saturday Mark really wanted to go to Foxwoods to play some poker and de-stress, and since I didn't have any plans for the day I agreed to accompany him on the long drive. I spent most of my time there reading my novel and a veterinary emergency textbook. Mark won some money, so it was a very stress relieving trip, and we got home around midnight.

Sunday was graduation day. I was super nervous since Mark's sister had told him she had graduation on the same day only a week earlier, and with hers being in Rhode Island I wasn't sure if Mark would make mine in time, but as was the great trend with the weekend, it all worked out. I had wanted to go to her graduation too, but it started right as I would of had to leave for mine to make my set up/rehearsal in time. My family arrived in Medford around 11:30 (mom, grandma, and bro), and we went to lunch in Teele Square. Then we headed to Tufts in Grafton, explored to school store, and then at 2pm I had to leave them to go get my class picture taken and get all lined up.

At 3 it all began, and after skipping my undergrad graduation I was not prepared for all the cheesiness of the graduation, but it was still nice. We had to march in slowly, then there was about an hour of speeches. As the Dean started her intro speech I glanced back and saw my aunt, uncle, and two cousins had made it to join my family, and Mark was running in to the back of the tent, just on time. (I had expected him to be a little late, so that was a lucky plus). The ceremony was cute, if not a little long. Our dairy professor, Dr. Gene White, spoke, and as always, was hilarious! He is such a modern day James Harriot. Then Danielle Diamond, our outspoken classmate going in to the army after school spoke, with a laugh out loud speech. I especially loved her talking about how in first and second year "female students kept dropping off like flies, with more and more coming back from weekends married or engaged, but for single women like me we all know vet school is where single women go to die. Those of us who were single tried to balance our education and budget with just enough savings for a supscription since we all know there is only one Kevin Koerning in vet school." Then we all got our hoods and diplomas (which is huge by the way) and became officially doctors!

After the ceremony my family and I went to Hisa in Westboro for some tasty Japanese, then called it a night. I was EXHAUSTED, but it was such an amazing weekend.

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