Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RATATAT I will keep coming if you keep playing

Went to my sixth Ratatat concert last night, and as always LOVED it. It was my 3rd or 4th time to a ratatat show with Mark, and we typically end up in our own little world and dance the night away. This time Jenn and Will came along, and it was super fun hanging out with them. They live nearby in South End so we really need to hang out with them more often.

We got there at 8:30 and the first opening band was finishing up, thank GOODNESS since they sucked. Then there was a second opener, I forget their name but it was 4 dudes from Worcester, they were decent. It was funny though, I was looking at their outfits, and they were all in scrubby jeans and flannel shirts, some open, some tight. It looked like they were either from "That 70's Show" or the early nineties. It got me thinking, and I hypothesized about this with the others...who dresses like that? And if you are trying to hit it big by playing on a big stage all the time, you have to think about what you wear, so did they plan those outfits? It was almost as if they had planned to look like they didn't care about their clothes, or as Will put it were "delibretly casual". Mark didn't think so and thought they probably always dressed like that, but my theory is that they planned the outfits since they weren't famous enough yet to actually not care, they just wanted to look like they didn't care.

Then Ratatat came was the first time I saw them and it was just the two of them, normally they hire someone to star on keyboard and/or drums. But this time they just played the other stuff in the background and rocked it out on their guitars like always. They played for over an hour and I loved every second of it. The third song they played was Mark's all time favorite, so even though we were at the back of the crowd where there was a step so that we could see above everyone's heads, we took to dancing without a care in the world from that point on.
And even though they played for about 90 minutes, there were still a lot of songs I wish they had played that they didn't. I guess that's what happens when you have over 120 minutes of recorded songs on your albums, you have to pick and choose which to play live.

I know Mark and I felt old going to the concert, but afterwards we felt refreshed, and I swear I don't care if I am 45, if Ratatat is still playing shows, I will be there!

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