Monday, April 29, 2013

Seafood newburg vegan style

As a child my mother always asked us on our birthday what our favorite meal was and then she would make that meal for our birthday dinner. Mine was always seafood newburg, so once I went vegan that was tossed out the window. Until now. I have found several companies that make vegan seafood, some better than other. None are quite the same as the real thing. But I made my favorite seafood newburg vegan this week. I had scallops and prawns from Sophies, they are vegan and a little rubbery but have a nice flavor. First you melt 1/4 cup margarine in a pot, and then add 1/2 cup flour and 2 cups soy milk, whisking it in. Then you add 2 TBsp catsup and 1 TBsp Worcestershire sauce. Then 1 TBsp soy sauce. I added in some forzen peas in addition to the scallop and prawns then. You keep cooking until all cooked through. Then in pre-made puff pastry shells (which are inherently vegan) you can place the delish mixture and enjoy. It was not quite the same, but came close to my memories of my old favorite dish.

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